
Mplus Webinarium

Integrate your SEM development seamlessly into your work.


For over 7 years I’ve been delivering in-person courses on SEM with Mplus in Cambridge, UK: see here. I love it. But in the current health-crisis climate, I am now reviving my online-webinar project, which was born in 2017 from a desire to reach those who cannot easily come to Cambridge. Enter Mplus Webinarium.

Here is what students of my in-person course have said about their experience.



It’s all very easy. You attend a 2-hour webinar, all from the comfort of your home or office, then attempt the quiz/homework before the next session. The webinar will be recorded and made available to you, so instead of frantically taking notes you’ll be able to undertake the delicate job of handling a coffee and cake. Perfect! And if you can’t make it to a session, you can simply view it later, doing the exercises while watching it offline, and catch up before the next session.

For the upcoming course, the dates and times (all UK time) are:

  • 9th April: 10am-12noon and 1.00pm-3.00pm.
  • 17th April: 10am-12noon and 1.30pm-3.30pm.
  • 24th April: 10am-12noon and 1.30pm-3.30pm.



So what’s it like to actually participate in one of my webinars?

Well, here’s an actual excerpt from a session on Multilevel modelling. This is a real webinar, warts and all. Please note, this recording was in the middle of a session, hence the rather abrupt start and end.

Things not featured in the video:

  • This is the video you would actually have access to after the webinar. During the webinar, it acts like a “shared screen”. Afterwards I edit the sound a bit to decrease noise and then I add it to your dedicated online account.
  • During the actual webinar, your computer screen would also feature a chat-box,  in which you can insert your answers when prompted.
  • Other interactive features we will use but are not included in this specific video sample: using your mouse (or pen if you have a touchscreen) to mark things on the screen; turning your microphone on to directly chat with me (you will always have the choice to refuse verbal engagement and mics will be turned off by default so we don’t all hear background sounds from your home).


Video Player

Things to notice:

  • I try to be considerate and don’t usually mention people’s names (unless it’s for praise). I hope this will help make you feel confortable answering questions, even when you’re not sure what the answer is. If you type in the wrong answer, noone has to know. 😉 Besides, even I make mistakes sometimes (see minute 6-ish in the video).
  • The session includes “time to think”. It is rather fast-paced in this sample, as there were very few of us and everyone answered very fast. In general, the built-in pauses are adjusted on the fly and I aim to allow enough time for everyone to think things through.

My main focus is to foster active learning, in a friendly environment. The challenge I see for myself is not “how to best teach“, but “how to best help you learn“. If you have any other questions and/or anxieties about what it would be like as an experience, you can always send me an email with your questions at: contact{@}mpluscambridge.com (delete the { } from the address).

Courses 2020




My name is Gabriela Roman and I am a Research Associate at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. Previously I was fortunate to learn a little bit about various branches of psychology and criminology: a PhD in developmental psychology (Cambridge University), an MPhil in criminological research (Cambridge University), and a BA in cognitive and social psychology (Jacobs University Bremen).

I developed a passion for teaching SEM and I have given many in-person courses in Cambridge over the past 7+ years. The experience is always enriching and I derive immense satisfaction. At the same time, however, I receive many emails from interested researchers who cannot make the trip to Cambridge and it has always saddened me that I could not help. That’s how Mplus Webinarium was born: out of a desire to share my passion of teaching it and of helping more of you gain access to the power of structural equation modeling.

I hope you will enjoy this online course at least as much as I enjoy teaching it. Best wishes and I hope to see you soon!
